Call Now:
2708 Westmoor Court SW, Olympia: 360.943.8810
200 Lilly Rd. NE, Bldg C, Olympia: 360.918.8336
3773 Martin Way E, Suite A-105, Olympia: 360.688.7312
235 S. 3rd Street, Shelton: 360.426.0890
121 N. 5th Street, Shelton: 360.868.2697

Shelton, WA Location II
Our Shelton (Service Opportunity Sponsors Office) is located at:
121 North 5th Street, Shelton, WA
This location specializes in the following services:
Intensive Case Management
Housing Case Management
Northwest Resources II has a contract with Mason County to use their treatment sales tax dollars to provide intensive co-occurring case management. This is to help people navigate the system and obtain either chemical dependency treatment, mental health treatment or both.
We also have funds available to help people secure clean and sober housing while in early recovery.