Call Now:
2708 Westmoor Court SW, Olympia: 360.943.8810
200 Lilly Rd. NE, Bldg C, Olympia: 360.918.8336
3773 Martin Way E, Suite A-105, Olympia: 360.688.7312
235 S. 3rd Street, Shelton: 360.426.0890
121 N. 5th Street, Shelton: 360.868.2697
Mental Health
At Northwest Resources II, the following mental health services are available:
Mental Health Assessments
Individualized Service and Safety Planning
Outpatient Services
Intensive Outpatient Services
Medication Evaluation, Management and Monitoring
Individual Counseling
Group therapy: Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Seeking Safety and Support & Coping
Case management
Family Counseling
We now have a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner (ARNP) who is able to prescribe medications for those who have mental health needs with our without chemical dependency. If you are already a client with Northwest Resources II, please ask your therapist how to access medication services. If you are not already a client here, please call: (360) 688-7312, to set up a mental health assessment first. After completing an assessment, you can then be referred to the Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner.