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2708 Westmoor Court SW, Olympia: 360.943.8810
200 Lilly Rd. NE, Bldg C, Olympia: 360.918.8336
3773 Martin Way E, Suite A-105, Olympia: 360.688.7312
235 S. 3rd Street, Shelton: 360.426.0890
121 N. 5th Street, Shelton: 360.868.2697
Outpatient Treatment and
Intensive Outpatient Treatment
You're Not Alone
The Washington State Department of Social and Health Services/Health and Recovery Services Administration/Division of Alcohol and Substance Abuse define Intensive Out-Patient treatment in law as “for patients admitted under a deferred prosecution order pursuant to 10.05 RCW.
American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) patient placement criteria for Intensive Out-Patient treatment as Nine (9) or more hours of structured programming per week consisting primarily of counseling and education about substance related problems. These services may be delivered during the day or in the evening.
A minimum of seventy two hours of treatment services within a maximum of twelve weeks
The first four weeks of treatment must consist of:
at least three sessions each week
each group session must last at least one hour
each session must be on separate days of the week
Individual chemical dependency counseling sessions with each patient at least once a month, or more if clinically indicated.
Education totaling not more than fifty percent of patient treatment
Self help group attendance in addition to the seventy-two hours
A CDP or a CDPT must review and document the treatment plan in individual sessions to assess adequacy and attainment of goals
Upon completion of the I.O.P. a CDP or CDPT must refer each patient for on going treatment or support as necessary using (PPC) Patient Placement Criteria
Outpatient Treatment
Custom approaches for each patient
Nine (9) hours or less per week or counseling and education about substance-related problems. Outpatient treatment services are tailored to each patient’s level of clinical severity and are designed to help the patient achieve changes in his or her alcohol or other drugs using behaviors.