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2708 Westmoor Court SW, Olympia: 360.943.8810
200 Lilly Rd. NE, Bldg C, Olympia: 360.918.8336
3773 Martin Way E, Suite A-105, Olympia: 360.688.7312
235 S. 3rd Street, Shelton: 360.426.0890
121 N. 5th Street, Shelton: 360.868.2697
What is a DUI Assessment?
Whenever you receive a DUI,
one of the following would require an assessment:
Department of Licensing
Your Attorney
A DUI assessment is a set of procedures set out in Washington State Administrative Code that involves 1) diagnostic testing, 2) Interviewing with a Chemical Dependency Professional to take an alcohol/drug use history, biopsychosocial history, and an evaluation of blood alcohol levels and prior arrest history to determine one of the following:
Insufficient evidence of substance abuse/dependency. Persons with a low or minimal probability of re-offending, for whom intervention in the form of Alcohol/Drug Information School is required to address their problem with substance use and driving.
Substance Use Disorder. Persons with a greater probability of re-offending without intervention, but for whom substance dependence is not the apparent primary problem at this time. Extensive education/prevention, as part of a treatment program is required, but intensive treatment for substance dependence is not indicated.
Substance dependence. Persons with a greater probability of re-offending if not treated, for whom substance dependence at any stage of the disease is the primary problem at this time. This category would include persons that come to the assessment at any stage of the disease recovery process (including all personsindicating recovery through non-treatment means). Should you be found to be in the substance dependence category you may be eligible for a Deferred Prosecution.
A Deferred Prosecution is a two-year treatment program that combines the following elements:
* Phase I is either inpatient treatment for a minimum 21 days or Intensive Outpatient for 12 weeks.
* Phase II Outpatient treatment groups is a minimum of one time per week for six months.
* Phase III is a minimum of one time per month outpatient group for the remainder of the two years.
Throughout the two years you would also have to attend a minimum of two community support groups per week such as AA, NA, CA, etc.