Call Now:
2708 Westmoor Court SW, Olympia: 360.943.8810
200 Lilly Rd. NE, Bldg C, Olympia: 360.918.8336
3773 Martin Way E, Suite A-105, Olympia: 360.688.7312
235 S. 3rd Street, Shelton: 360.426.0890
121 N. 5th Street, Shelton: 360.868.2697
About Us
Northwest Resources II Inc. is a Washington State Certified Behavioral Health Agency with five locations.
We have been providing services in Thurston County since 1993 and Mason County since 1999. We treat everyone as individuals and all services start with a comprehensive assessment to ensure placement in an appropriate level of care.
We provide integrated substance use disorder and mental health treatment. NWR starts with a comprehensive assessment to ensure placement in an appropriate level of care. We provide multifaceted treatment programs for individualized care.
Substance abuse impacts every aspect of a person's life and requires a concrete plan to begin to build recovery. People with mental health disorders are more likely to experience addiction and can be equally debilitating.
The types of treatments we provide include evidenced based programs such as; Interactive Journaling, MRT (Moral Reconation Therapy), and MI (Motivational Interviewing), Seeking Safety, and Support & Coping. Addiction is a brain disease and re-balancing the brain chemistry can be accomplished in most cases with biochemical and nutritional counseling.
NWR provides programs that can help, including a DUI & Deferred Prosecution Assessment, Intensive Out-Patient and Out-Patient Treatment, ADIS (Alcohol/Drug Information School), and DUI Victims Impact Panel. We also provide mental health counseling and medication management, as well as family support groups.
We are contracted with Thurston and Mason Counties to provide professional services. Our current contracts include:
Adult Recovery Court Case Management
Family Recovery Court Case Management
Mason County Drug Court
Thurston County Treatment Sales Tax Contracts
Co-Occurring Disorders Intensive Case Management
Housing Support Case Management
Mason County Treatment Sales Tax Contracts
If you are in trouble with the law for alcohol and/or drugs, WE CAN HELP.